Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Effects of IPE program on interprofessional socialization and dual identity development

The effects of an IPS-based IPE program on interprofessional socialization and dual identity development - Journal of Interprofessional Care

Dr. Hossein Khalili and Dr. Carole Orchard recently published a paper in the Journal of Interprofessional Care reporting on the results of his study on testing the application of his original interprofessional socialization (IPS) framework in developing dual identity among learners. In this study, an IPE program developed based on the core concepts of the IPS framework was used. More than hundred students from seven different health professions participated in the IPS-based IPE intervention program. The outcome of the quasi-experimental portion of this mixed-method study demonstrated a significant and consistent growth in dual identity among the participants. The thematic analysis revealed four themes (uniprofessional education as a barrier, IPS program as an eye-opener, learning to collaborate, and collective unified team). The integrated qualitative and quantitative findings support the application of the IPS framework in creating dual (professional and interprofessional) identity among learners.

The article is available via this link:

Dr. Khalili's contact email:

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

AIHC Names 2020-2021 Leadership Team

The American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) has identified its leadership team for the 2020-2021 academic year. 

AIHC Executive Committee
The Executive Committee monitors progress of AIHC strategic initiatives, oversees implementation of established policies, sets board agenda, liaison with National Center senior leadership.
Andrea Pfeifle - Chair, The Ohio State University
Gail Jensen - Past-Chair, Creighton University
Jim Ballard - Chair-Elect, University of Kentucky
Anthony Breitbach - Secretary-Historian, Saint Louis University
Christine Arenson - Ex-Officio
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
Barbara Brandt - Ex-Officio
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education

AIHC Advisory Board
The AIHC Advisory Board serves at the “keeper of the field”; advises National Center director, directs work of committees in alignment with National Center priorities; exploration of strategic alignments.
Gail Jensen (Creighton University)
Andrea Pfeifle (The Ohio State University)
James Ballard (University of Kentucky)
Anthony Breitbach (Saint Louis University)
Amy Blue (University of Florida)
Joy Doll (Nebraska Health Information Initiative)
Heather Hageman (Washington University Medical Campus)
Kelly Lockeman (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Barbara Maxwell (A.T. Still University)
Jean Nagelkerk (Grand Valley State University)
Devin Nickol (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Loretta Nunez (American Speech Language Hearing Association)
Elena Umland (Thomas Jefferson University)
Christine Arenson (National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, ex-officio)
Barbara Brandt (National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, ex-officio)

AIHC Committees

Program Committee 
The AIHC Program Committee focuses on generating new content based on identified gaps, resource curation to develop curated resources in the Resource Center and leverage existing resources as packaged content
Co-Chairs: Joy Doll and TBA

Interprofessional Scholarship Committee
The Interprofessional Scholarship Committee is a community of practice to support generation of scholarship along the continuum;  facilitate specific scholarly activities.
Co-Chairs: Mary Mauldin and Diane Bridges

Membership Committee 
The Membership Committee engages in strategic recruitment of new members with commitment toward diversity of the field, practice partners and students; selection of committee members, benefit articulation (current/future); and member levels.
Co-Chairs: Jim Ballard and Erin Breitenbach

Communication Committee
The Communication Committee is responsible for generation of member communications in coordination with content generation from committees.
Co-Chairs: Martha Sexton and Craig Slater

More information available on the AIHC website:

Monday, 27 July 2020

Dr. Giray Kolcu joins Süleyman Demirel University's Health Sciences Institution as Vice Director

Giray Kolcu, M.D., Assistant Professor, joined Süleyman Demirel University's Health Sciences Institution in Isparta, Turkey to become its Vice Director, effective July 23. 

Dr. Kolcu will lead strategic priorities across the university, to include:
  • Establishing Interprofessional Education Board 
  • Establishing interprofessional Education Department
  • Starting Interprofessional Master's program 

This position marks Süleyman Demirel University's substantial commitment to advancing health sciences education and training and contributing to the global interprofessional practice and education community.

Dr. Kolcu can be contacted via email:

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

University of Montreal's Collaboration and Patient Partnership Unit's Pandemic Response Featured on The BMJ Opinion

The University of Montreal's Collaboration and Patient Partnership Department (DCPP) has the main objective of orchestrating a profound transformation of the philosophy and models of care and services from '' an innovative vision of the patient partnership that links patients and healthcare workers as part of the care and social services process. 

This program has transitioned to make a significant impact with the Covid-19 pandemic. 

This transition has recently been featured on July 21, 2020 by The BMJ Opinion:

Covid-19 and medical education: patients’ teaching role moves online  
Online teaching of medical students by patients during covid-19 is set to become the new norm

To learn more about the University of Montreal's Collaboration and Patient Partnership Unit:

Center of Excellence on Partnerships with Patients and the Public home page:

Newly published article in Journal of Interprofessional Care:
Raynault, A., Lebel, P., Brault, I., Vanier, M.-C., & Flora, L. (2020). How interprofessional teams of students mobilized collaborative practice competencies and the patient partnership approach in a hybrid IPE course. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 1-12. doi:10.1080/13561820.2020.1783217

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Dr. Andrea Pfeifle Named Associate Vice Chancellor for Interprofessional Practice and Education at The Ohio State University

Andrea Pfeifle, EdD, PT, FNAP, joined Ohio State's seven health sciences colleges and the Wexner Medical Center to become its first Associate Vice Chancellor for Interprofessional Practice and Education, effective July 1. 

Dr. Pfeifle will lead strategic priorities across the university, to include: 
  • establishing an office to support interprofessional practice and education
  • facilitating exemplary interprofessional practice and learning environments
  • testing new models of team care to prepare students to work together to advance health and well-being. 
This newly created position marks Ohio State's substantial commitment to advancing collaborative health and social sciences education and training and contributing to the global interprofessional practice and education community.

Dr. Pfeifle can be contacted via email:

Friday, 17 July 2020

Journal of Interprofessional Care Article Addresses the Implications of Transitioning IPE to Virtual Environments

Online interprofessional education during and post the COVID-19 pandemic
Hossein Khalili, BScN, MScN, PhD, FNAP
Director, University of Wisconsin Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE)

Dr. Khalili has just published a Commentary in the COVID Special Issue of the Journal of Interprofessional Care. In this Online IPE during and post the COVID-19 pandemic commentary paper, Dr. Khalili discussed the conundrum that the pandemic has posed to many. Educators/facilitators are expected to employ online education, but some may lack the knowledge and expertise to create and facilitate an engaging, positive, and supportive online environment for their students. IPE itself is quite complex and challenging for many educators as in IPE we are working with diverse students’ population who come with different professional backgrounds, knowledge, skills and experience, while many of them may have preconceived notions and prejudices against each other. Adding another layer of complexity to this equation by fully transitioning IPE into a virtual environment is indeed a further challenge. This report discusses the application of Meaningful Discourse and the Community of Inquiry principles on developing online learning communities in interprofessional education.

You can access to the article here:

For more information, contact Dr. Khalili:

CAIPE Research Group Publishes a Research Guide for Students and Early Career Researchers

Top Tips for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research: A Guide for Students and Early Career Researchers
By: Dr. Veronica O'Carroll (CAIPE and University of St Andrews)

Members of the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) research group have written this guide to aid students and early career researchers embarking on their first research journey and new to IPE/ICP research. The CAIPE research group includes research students, service users, researchers with varied experiences, and educators and practitioners from different professions and countries. The guide aims to raise awareness of academic resources and share practical advice from those who have previously experienced problems when undertaking interprofessional research in education or health and social care practice.

Access the article here:

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Interprofessional Research.Global Updates Blog

InterprofessionalResearch.Global has developed a blog to foster communication among its members across the world.  InterprofessionalResearch.Global Updates serves as a real-time newsletter and provides a means for members to share important news, events, calls for proposals and other information. These posts all have dedicated URL's and they are easy to share on social media.

To provide content for IPR.Global members use this SUBMISSION LINK

Please have the following items ready for your post:
  1. Post topic/title
  2. 1-3 paragraph post narrative
  3. Photo or logo for the post
The blog editors will then post into the blog and send you the link before it is disseminated widely.

If the post needs revision, changes can easily be made.

Contact Dr. Anthony Breitbach for more information:

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Nominations Sought for AIHC Awards

The  American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) Scholarship Committee, in conjunction with the AIHC Scholarship Awards Subcommittee, would like to announce a call for nomination for 5 (five) AIHC awards.
The awards are: 
  1. AIHC Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award
  2. AIHC Interprofessional Practice Award
  3. AIHC  Scholarship Award
  4. AIHC Interprofessional Educator Award
  5. AIHC Student Award for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
Nominations forms/packets will be accepted until June 30, 2020. (We will accept past this date.)
Attached are the award descriptions, selection criteria, assessment rubrics and  nomination forms.
The AIHC Scholarship Awards Subcommittee will review all nominations and select an award recipient who will be recognized at one of the national IPE conferences, such as the Nexus Summit or Collaborations Across Borders.

For more information, including nomination forms email: