Showing posts with label brandt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brandt. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 March 2022

IPR.Global Names Inaugural Honorees of the Barbara Fifield Brandt Award

InterprofessionalResearch Global is pleased to announce the the inaugural honorees of the Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award is Dr. Priya Martin BOT, MS, PhD and team from the University of Queensland (Australia) for their project entitled: Rural Interprofessional Education and Supervision Project (RIPES). Congratulations to Dr. Martin and the UQ team!

The Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award recognizes an academic – practice partnership team that demonstrates impact on learner and health outcomes through sustaining and connecting interprofessional education and collaborative practice in community-based practice settings serving vulnerable and high-risk populations.

To learn more and watch Dr. Martin's project presentation, visit the IPR.Global website:

The 2022-2023 IPR.Global Research & Leadership Awards Application is now available! 

Information and submission link posted on the IPR.Global website:

Call for Applications - 2022-2023 IPR.Global Research & Leadership Awards

The InterprofessionalResearch.Global (IPR.Global) Research and Leadership Awards aim at honoring innovative interprofessional scholarly work in the format of partnership, evaluation, research, or dissertation work, accompanied by outstanding interprofessional leadership that has had a positive sustainable impact on the academic/practice/community with notable contribution to the interprofessional education and collaborative practice field at the global level.

The IPR.Global Research and Leadership Awards recognize interprofessional scholarly works and leadership that exemplify excellence in the following Award Categories:

Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award

The Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award recognizes an academic – practice partnership team that demonstrates impact on learner and health outcomes through sustaining and connecting interprofessional education and collaborative practice in community-based practice settings serving vulnerable and high-risk populations.

Hugh Barr IPR.Global Award

The Hugh Barr IPR.Global Award recognizes an interprofessional team for the evaluation of an outstanding example of collaboration between academic institutions and health/social service delivery organizations in high/middle-income and low-income countries to promote and sustain interprofessional education and collaborative practice.

John H.V. Gilbert IPR.Global Award 

The John H.V. Gilbert IPR.Global Award recognizes the author of an outstanding interprofessional doctoral dissertation, published in the past three years (since 2019), that has resulted in a learning paradigm which brings interprofessional education and learning to interprofessional collaborative practice in a practice setting where practitioners, students and patients have been engaged in developing measurable interprofessional high quality care. 

Global Distinguished Leadership Award 

The IPR.Global Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership of an individual/team who have made transformative, inclusive, measurable, and sustainable contributions to the promotion, implementation, evaluation, and/or advancement of interprofessional education, collaborative practice, and/or research in and across their educational/practice/network settings with a global impact.

Learn more at:

Application Submission is open till September 30th, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST

Thursday, 11 February 2021

CIHC Collaboration à la Carte Speaker Series Addresses Interprofessional Health Workforce Education and Planning

Join the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) on February 25, 2021, 1:00 PM EST, for a presentation and Q&A with Dr. Erin Fraher, Dr. Barbara Brandt, and Dr. Ivy Bourgeault on Interprofessional Health Workforce Education and Planning: Why We All Need to Work Together. 

Read more about the presentation here: 


Please note you need to be a CIHC member to register for this event; you can read more about CIHC membership here: 


For more information contact Laura O'Connor at

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

AIHC Names 2020-2021 Leadership Team

The American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) has identified its leadership team for the 2020-2021 academic year. 

AIHC Executive Committee
The Executive Committee monitors progress of AIHC strategic initiatives, oversees implementation of established policies, sets board agenda, liaison with National Center senior leadership.
Andrea Pfeifle - Chair, The Ohio State University
Gail Jensen - Past-Chair, Creighton University
Jim Ballard - Chair-Elect, University of Kentucky
Anthony Breitbach - Secretary-Historian, Saint Louis University
Christine Arenson - Ex-Officio
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
Barbara Brandt - Ex-Officio
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education

AIHC Advisory Board
The AIHC Advisory Board serves at the “keeper of the field”; advises National Center director, directs work of committees in alignment with National Center priorities; exploration of strategic alignments.
Gail Jensen (Creighton University)
Andrea Pfeifle (The Ohio State University)
James Ballard (University of Kentucky)
Anthony Breitbach (Saint Louis University)
Amy Blue (University of Florida)
Joy Doll (Nebraska Health Information Initiative)
Heather Hageman (Washington University Medical Campus)
Kelly Lockeman (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Barbara Maxwell (A.T. Still University)
Jean Nagelkerk (Grand Valley State University)
Devin Nickol (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Loretta Nunez (American Speech Language Hearing Association)
Elena Umland (Thomas Jefferson University)
Christine Arenson (National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, ex-officio)
Barbara Brandt (National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, ex-officio)

AIHC Committees

Program Committee 
The AIHC Program Committee focuses on generating new content based on identified gaps, resource curation to develop curated resources in the Resource Center and leverage existing resources as packaged content
Co-Chairs: Joy Doll and TBA

Interprofessional Scholarship Committee
The Interprofessional Scholarship Committee is a community of practice to support generation of scholarship along the continuum;  facilitate specific scholarly activities.
Co-Chairs: Mary Mauldin and Diane Bridges

Membership Committee 
The Membership Committee engages in strategic recruitment of new members with commitment toward diversity of the field, practice partners and students; selection of committee members, benefit articulation (current/future); and member levels.
Co-Chairs: Jim Ballard and Erin Breitenbach

Communication Committee
The Communication Committee is responsible for generation of member communications in coordination with content generation from committees.
Co-Chairs: Martha Sexton and Craig Slater

More information available on the AIHC website:

Thursday, 25 June 2020

IPR.Global Best Research Award Application Is Open!

The IPR.Global Best Research Awards recognize interprofessional scholarly works that exemplify excellence in the following:

The Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award – The Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award will recognize an academic – practice partnership team that demonstrates impact on learner and health outcomes through sustaining and connecting interprofessional education and collaborative practice in community-based practice settings serving vulnerable and high-risk populations.

The Hugh Barr Global Award – The Hugh Barr IPR.Global Award will recognize the evaluation/project by an interprofessional team of an outstanding example of collaboration between institutions/organizations in high-income and low/middle-income countries to promote and sustain interprofessional education and collaborative practice.

The John H.V. Gilbert Global Award – The John H.V. Gilbert IPR.Global Award will recognize an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation that has resulted in a learning paradigm which brings interprofessional education and learning to interprofessional collaborative practice in a clinical setting where practitioners, students and patients have been engaged in developing measurable interprofessional high quality care.

The awards aim at recognizing and honoring the innovative interprofessional partnership, projects or research that has demonstrated a positive impact on the academic/practice/community with a notable contribution to the interprofessional education and collaborative practice field.

To learn more and apply, please review the 2020 IPR.Global Best Research Awards Application Guidelines: