InterprofessionalResearch Global is pleased to announce the the inaugural honorees of the Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award is Dr. Priya Martin BOT, MS, PhD and team from the University of Queensland (Australia) for their project entitled: Rural Interprofessional Education and Supervision Project (RIPES). Congratulations to Dr. Martin and the UQ team!
The Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award recognizes an academic – practice partnership team that demonstrates impact on learner and health outcomes through sustaining and connecting interprofessional education and collaborative practice in community-based practice settings serving vulnerable and high-risk populations.
To learn more and watch Dr. Martin's project presentation, visit the IPR.Global website:
The 2022-2023 IPR.Global Research & Leadership Awards Application is now available!
Information and submission link posted on the IPR.Global website: