Monday 26 October 2020

Survey Enables Future Connectivity and Collaboration Among IPR.Global Members


Interprofessional Research. Global (IPR.G) seeks to facilitate opportunities for connectivity and collaboration between and among its members. 

To accomplish this goal, a two phased approach will be used: 

Phase I - Creativity 

A 5-7-minute survey has been designed for members to complete by defining their research interests, needs, experiences, and expertise. All IPR.G members are invited to access and complete this survey by clicking on this link:

Phase 2 – Connectivity and Collaboration

Once we have collected a critical mass of completed member surveys and associated data, the compiled data will be reviewed in the aggregate to determine optimal method(s) to enable members to make connections with their interprofessional research colleagues. This phase will enable members to seek collaborators for a variety of opportunities including conducting interprofessional research on shared topics of interest, designing mentorship opportunities, seeking thesis/dissertation committee readers/members, and more! 

For this initiative to be successful, we need you to please take 5-7 minutes of your valuable time to complete this survey: 

The more IPR.G members who complete the survey, the more robust are our opportunities for future connectivity and collaboration!!! 

Many thanks for your participation and feel free to share this survey with your interprofessional research colleagues! 

For more information contact Dr. Jody Frost: