Showing posts with label health interprofessional practice and education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health interprofessional practice and education. Show all posts

Saturday, 4 March 2023

IPR.Global Partnership Development Working Group - Guide for Publishing in Journals with Interprofessional Focus


The Interprofessional Research.Global Partnership Development Working Group surveyed several journals with an interprofessional focus by posing specific questions that responses were sought to help to further clarify these journals' scope along with data such as time for review and publication. Additional information was drawn from the journal websites. 

A guide has been developed based on this information to enable members to better understand best fit for manuscript submissions on a specific topic and type of publication. This is not an all-inclusive list and for the most current information for authors, please access the respective websites or contact the journals directly.

Click on this link to access PDF copy of the guide.

IPR.G Journals Guide