Wednesday 8 July 2020

Interprofessional Research.Global Updates Blog

InterprofessionalResearch.Global has developed a blog to foster communication among its members across the world.  InterprofessionalResearch.Global Updates serves as a real-time newsletter and provides a means for members to share important news, events, calls for proposals and other information. These posts all have dedicated URL's and they are easy to share on social media.

To provide content for IPR.Global members use this SUBMISSION LINK

Please have the following items ready for your post:
  1. Post topic/title
  2. 1-3 paragraph post narrative
  3. Photo or logo for the post
The blog editors will then post into the blog and send you the link before it is disseminated widely.

If the post needs revision, changes can easily be made.

Contact Dr. Anthony Breitbach for more information:

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Nominations Sought for AIHC Awards

The  American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) Scholarship Committee, in conjunction with the AIHC Scholarship Awards Subcommittee, would like to announce a call for nomination for 5 (five) AIHC awards.
The awards are: 
  1. AIHC Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award
  2. AIHC Interprofessional Practice Award
  3. AIHC  Scholarship Award
  4. AIHC Interprofessional Educator Award
  5. AIHC Student Award for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
Nominations forms/packets will be accepted until June 30, 2020. (We will accept past this date.)
Attached are the award descriptions, selection criteria, assessment rubrics and  nomination forms.
The AIHC Scholarship Awards Subcommittee will review all nominations and select an award recipient who will be recognized at one of the national IPE conferences, such as the Nexus Summit or Collaborations Across Borders.

For more information, including nomination forms email:

Thursday 25 June 2020

IPR.Global Best Research Award Application Is Open!

The IPR.Global Best Research Awards recognize interprofessional scholarly works that exemplify excellence in the following:

The Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award – The Barbara Fifield Brandt IPR.Global Award will recognize an academic – practice partnership team that demonstrates impact on learner and health outcomes through sustaining and connecting interprofessional education and collaborative practice in community-based practice settings serving vulnerable and high-risk populations.

The Hugh Barr Global Award – The Hugh Barr IPR.Global Award will recognize the evaluation/project by an interprofessional team of an outstanding example of collaboration between institutions/organizations in high-income and low/middle-income countries to promote and sustain interprofessional education and collaborative practice.

The John H.V. Gilbert Global Award – The John H.V. Gilbert IPR.Global Award will recognize an outstanding Ph.D. dissertation that has resulted in a learning paradigm which brings interprofessional education and learning to interprofessional collaborative practice in a clinical setting where practitioners, students and patients have been engaged in developing measurable interprofessional high quality care.

The awards aim at recognizing and honoring the innovative interprofessional partnership, projects or research that has demonstrated a positive impact on the academic/practice/community with a notable contribution to the interprofessional education and collaborative practice field.

To learn more and apply, please review the 2020 IPR.Global Best Research Awards Application Guidelines: