Thursday, 7 January 2021

CIHC Collaboration à la Carte Addresses Interprofessional Conflict Resolution

The Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative's (CIHC) monthly speaker series Collaboration à la Carte includes presentations – some live and some pre-recorded – on interprofessional collaborative practice, education and emerging areas of research. 

Join CIHC on January 14, 2021, 1:00 PM EST, for a presentation and Q&A with Sibylle Ugirase (PhD cand.) on the concept analysis and development of an instrument for Interprofessional Conflict Resolution measurement. 

Read more about the presentation here: 

Registration Link

Please note you need to be a CIHC member to register for this event; you can read more about CIHC membership here: 

CIHC Member Link

For more information contact Laura O'Connor at

Monday, 7 December 2020

CIHC's "Collaboration à la Carte" Features Patient Involvement on Primary Care Teams

The Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) hosts a monthly speaker series Collaboration à la Carte which includes presentations – some live and some pre-recorded – on interprofessional collaborative practice, education and emerging areas of research. 

Join CIHC on December 17, 2020, 1:00 PM EST, for a presentation and Q&A with Dr. Kateryna Metersky on patient roles and the conditions and processes for their inclusion in primary care teams. 

Read more about the presentation here: 

Presentation Information Link

Please note you need to be a CIHC member to register for this event; you can read more about CIHC membership here: 

CIHC Membership Link

For more information contact Laura O'Connor at

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Invitation to Participate in Global IPE Situational Analysis Survey

Dear Interprofessional Leaders and Champions, 

On behalf of the Interprofessional.Global (Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice) and the InterprofessionalResearch.Global (Global Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Research) we would like to invite you to participate in the Phase 1 of the Global Interprofessional Education (IPE) Situational Analysis Survey

This survey is conducted to better understand the state of IPE at academic institutions around the world. You are invited as you have been identified as an IPE Leader/Champion at your academic institution/university who could complete the survey on behalf of your academic institution. 

If that is not the case, we would greatly appreciate it if you could please forward this post to your academic institution leadership team for their consideration. (along with the survey link: 

The goal is to have this survey completed by the most appropriate individual/Center/Office who could speak to the interprofessional education program/initiatives on behalf of your academic institution whenever possible. If such an institutional-level person/Center/Office may not exist, we welcome individuals from related academic programs to work together to complete this survey on behalf of your academic institution. Your time and responses are very valuable in this effort. 

The survey involves responding to 24 questions that should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. This survey has received ethical clearance from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the United States, and your participation in the survey is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. All information provided through this survey will be held in strict confidence. No names or identifying information will be linked to your survey responses. 

We would also like to request that you kindly share/forward this email to your local, regional, national or international institutional networks for wide distribution. 

We thank you in advance for your time, consideration, and assistance in this important global initiative.

Should have any question/comment and/or require additional information, please feel free to contact us at

Sincerely Yours, 

Hossein Khalili, PhD, MScN, BSNc, FNAP

Lead, InterprofessionalResearch.Global; Director, UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE), University of Wisconsin-Madison 

Sylvia Langlois, M.Sc. OT 

Regional Representative, Interprofessional.Global; Faculty Lead IPE Curriculum and Scholarship, Centre for Interprofessional Education, University of Toronto

Friday, 20 November 2020

Regional Network for Interprofessional Education in the Americas (REIP) holding its 4th IPE Technical Meeting

The Regional Network for Interprofessional Education in the Americas (REIP) will hold the 4th IPE Technical Meeting. 

The central theme of this event will be: "Resilient health systems for interprofessional collaboration in the COVID-19 pandemic era: experiences in the Americas region."

On the 23rd and 30th of November the 4th Regional IPE Meeting will be held which will have approximately 20 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The meeting will be virtual through the YouTube channel: 

More information:

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative Presents Live Webinar on Interprofessional Socialization

Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) Live Webinar

Utilizing Interprofessional Socialization as an Effective Approach Towards Creating Dual Identity 

Presenter: Dr. Hossein Khalili, the Lead of InterprofessionalResearch.Global and the Director of University of Wisconsin Centre of Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) 

Date & Time: November 17, 2020 | 1:00 PM -2:00 PM ET 


The Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) invites the global IPECP Community to join us for a live webinar presentation and Q&A with Dr. Hossein Khalili on utilizing interprofessional socialization as an effective approach towards creating dual identity among learners and practitioners. Currently, in health professional training the emphasis is still placed on uniprofessional education, in which learners of each field are socialized in isolation from those in other related professions causing the development of a uniprofessional identity in which learners share trusting and rewarding relationships with those from own profession (in-group favoritism), but would develop hostility and discrimination towards learners/ professionals outside of their own profession (out-group discrimination), as a means to enhance their self-concept. These in-group and out-group behaviours’ (or the ‘turf’ wars) along with the fear of ‘identity loss’ and the lack of understanding and knowledge of each other’s professional roles and perspectives cause the learners/professionals to resist against interprofessional collaborative practice. One effective way to address the uniprofessional identity and its challenges in education and practice is to socialize learners interprofessionally to develop dual professional and interprofessional identity, which will be discussed in this webinar. 

For more information email: 

Thursday, 29 October 2020

IPR.Global Quarterly Newsletter Now Available

IPR.Global has published its 2nd issue of its Quarterly Newsletter. 

The Fall 2020 IPR.Global Newsletter features the Message from tIPR.Global Lead, the Time 2 data collection of the Longitudinal COVID-19 Impact Survey, IPR.Global Blog, research network member survey, and the recent IPR.Global publication. In his Message, Dr. Khalili as the IPR.Global Lead reminded the global interprofessional community that the integration of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) in everyday professional education and practice has never been more urgent and critical. He emphasized that “the unprecedented evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic is again reminding us of the importance of interprofessional collaboration and team-based care in healthcare delivery system. 

To learn more and access the entire Newsletter, please visit us at 

Monday, 26 October 2020

Survey Enables Future Connectivity and Collaboration Among IPR.Global Members


Interprofessional Research. Global (IPR.G) seeks to facilitate opportunities for connectivity and collaboration between and among its members. 

To accomplish this goal, a two phased approach will be used: 

Phase I - Creativity 

A 5-7-minute survey has been designed for members to complete by defining their research interests, needs, experiences, and expertise. All IPR.G members are invited to access and complete this survey by clicking on this link:

Phase 2 – Connectivity and Collaboration

Once we have collected a critical mass of completed member surveys and associated data, the compiled data will be reviewed in the aggregate to determine optimal method(s) to enable members to make connections with their interprofessional research colleagues. This phase will enable members to seek collaborators for a variety of opportunities including conducting interprofessional research on shared topics of interest, designing mentorship opportunities, seeking thesis/dissertation committee readers/members, and more! 

For this initiative to be successful, we need you to please take 5-7 minutes of your valuable time to complete this survey: 

The more IPR.G members who complete the survey, the more robust are our opportunities for future connectivity and collaboration!!! 

Many thanks for your participation and feel free to share this survey with your interprofessional research colleagues! 

For more information contact Dr. Jody Frost: